The FINRA Board of Governors is holding its final meeting of the year, with Board committees giving consideration to multiple issues.
Board of Governors Meetings
- December 15, 2023
- During its September 13 and 14 meeting, the FINRA Board of Governors reaffirmed FINRA’s Financial Guiding Principles and continued discussions around FINRA’s Regulatory Operations and received an overview of pending and final regulatory initiatives affecting member firms.September 26, 2023
- During its July 12 and 13 meeting, the FINRA Board of Governors Re-elected Eric Noll as chair, re-appointed public governors Deborah Bailey, Lisa Fairfax and Maureen Jensen, and approved three rulemaking items.July 19, 2023
- During its May 17 and 18 meeting, the FINRA Board of Governors appointed new public governor Lisa Fairfax, approved FINRA’s 2022 Annual Financial Report and appointed new members to FINRA Advisory Committees.May 25, 2023
- FINRA’s Board of Governors met on March 9 and 10, and it approved a proposal to shorten the securities settlement cycle from two business days after the trade date (T+2) to one (T+1) and approved the allocation of 2022 fine monies to various capital initiatives.March 15, 2023
- FINRA’s Board of Governors met on December 14 and 15, and it approved FINRA’s 2023 budget and two rule proposals, and appointed new members to the National Adjudicatory Council and the Small Firm Advisory Committee.December 21, 2022
- FINRA’s Board of Governors met on September 21 and 22, and it approved two rule proposals and met with three officials from the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).September 28, 2022
- Read CEO Robert Cook’s email to firms previewing topics the Board is scheduled to discuss at the July 2022 FINRA Board of Governors Meeting.July 12, 2022
- FINRA’s Board of Governors met on May 11 and 12, and it approved three rule proposals and the organization’s 2021 Annual Financial Report, and appointed new members to FINRA's Advisory Committees.May 20, 2022
- FINRA’s Board of Governors met on March 9 and 10—and it approved three rule proposals and the allocation of 2021 fine monies to various capital initiatives in accordance with FINRA’s Financial Guiding Principles.March 16, 2022
- FINRA’s Board of Governors met on December 1 and 2—and it approved two rule proposals and the organization’s 2022 budget, appointed several members to the Small Firm Advisory Committee (SFAC) and to the National Adjudicatory Council (NAC), and received an update on recently concluded Regional Committee and SFAC elections.December 08, 2021
- FINRA’s Board of Governors met on September 23 and 24, and approved a proposal to establish a modest fee for individuals who choose to complete continuing education (CE) to remain qualified for up to five years following the termination of the individual’s registration. The Board also approved two rulemaking items and reaffirmed FINRA’s Financial Guiding Principles.September 29, 2021
- Read CEO Robert Cook’s email to firms previewing topics the Board is scheduled to discuss at the July 2021 FINRA Board of Governors Meeting.July 20, 2021
- Read CEO Robert Cook’s email to firms describing outcomes from the May 2021 FINRA Board of Governors Meeting.May 26, 2021
FINRA’s Board of Governors met on March 3 and 4, when it approved proposed amendments to FINRA’s Borrowing From or Lending to Customers Rule, approved the allocation of 2020 fine monies to various capital initiatives in accordance with FINRA’s Financial Guiding Principles, and moved forward with an advanced analytics strategic initiative.
March 10, 2021- Read CEO Robert Cook’s email to firms describing outcomes from the December 2020 FINRA Board of Governors Meeting.December 09, 2020
- Read CEO Robert Cook’s email to firms describing outcomes from the September 2020 FINRA Board of Governors Meeting.September 18, 2020
- Read CEO Robert Cook’s email to firms describing outcomes from the June 2020 FINRA Board of Governors Meeting.June 17, 2020
- We are grieved by the senseless death of George Floyd and other recent acts of violence against members of the Black and African American communities. We stand together with the FINRA community in our personal commitment to the principle of equal justice under the law and to fight all forms of racism and prejudice.June 15, 2020
- Updates from the March 2020 FINRA Board of Governors meeting.March 18, 2020
- FINRA CEO Robert Cook, members of the FINRA Board of Governors and FINRA staff provide updates from the December 2019 FINRA Board of Governors meeting.December 13, 2019
- FINRA CEO Robert Cook and members of the FINRA Board of Governors provide updates from the September 2019 FINRA Board of Governors meeting.October 03, 2019
- FINRA CEO Robert Cook, Chairman Bill Heyman, Board members and FINRA staff provide updates from the July 2019 FINRA Board of Governors meeting.July 24, 2019
- Read President and CEO Robert Cook’s post-meeting email to firms highlighting the May 2019 FINRA Board of Governors meeting.May 14, 2019
- FINRA CEO Robert Cook, Board members and FINRA staff provide updates from the February/March 2019 FINRA Board of Governors meeting.March 13, 2019
- Watch the video report featuring highlights from the December 2018 Board of Governors meeting and read FINRA President and CEO Robert Cook’s email to firms.December 21, 2018
- Watch the video report featuring highlights from the September 2018 Board of Governors meeting and read FINRA President and CEO Robert Cook’s email to firms.October 05, 2018
- FINRA President and CEO Robert Cook, Chairman Bill Heyman, Board members and FINRA staff provide updates on the May 2018 FINRA Board of Governors meeting.May 17, 2018
- Watch the video report featuring highlights of the March 2018 Board of Governors meeting and read FINRA President and CEO Robert Cook’s email to firms.March 14, 2018
- FINRA President and CEO Robert Cook, Chairman Bill Heyman, Board members and FINRA staff provide updates on the December 2017 FINRA Board of Governors meeting, including discussions around FINRA’s finances and financial transparency, 2017 accomplishments, enterprise risk management and more.December 20, 2017
- FINRA President and CEO Robert Cook, Chairman Bill Heyman, Board members and FINRA staff provide updates on the September 2017 FINRA Board of Governors meeting, including the rule proposals, committee news and other items that were discussed.September 29, 2017
- FINRA President and CEO Robert Cook and Chairman of the Board Jack Brennan review rulemaking and other matters discussed at FINRA's May Board of Governors meeting.July 18, 2017
- FINRA President and CEO Robert Cook and Chairman of the Board Jack Brennan review rulemaking and other matters discussed at FINRA's May Board of Governors meeting.May 10, 2017
- FINRA President and CEO Robert Cook and Chairman of the Board Jack Brennan review rulemaking and other matters discussed at FINRA's March Board of Governors meeting.March 08, 2017
- Rulemaking items discussed at the December 2016 Board meeting include: Simplified Arbitration and Procedural Rules Concerning Eligibility Proceedings.December 15, 2016
- Rulemaking items discussed at the September Board meeting include: communications with the public, non-public arbitrator definition and sending arbitrator selection lists to parties.September 30, 2016
- Rulemaking items discussed at the July Board meeting include: alternative display facility; desk research exemption from debt and equity research rules; and expansion of TRACE to U.S. Treasury Securities.July 15, 2016
- Rulemaking item discussed at the May Board meeting include: disruptive quoting and trading activities; gifts, gratuities and non-cash compensation; broadening chairperson eligibility in arbitration; motions to dismiss in arbitration; and panel selection in customer cases with three arbitrators.May 06, 2016
- Rulemaking item discussed at the February 2016 meeting: fixed income pricing disclosure.February 26, 2016
- Rulemaking items discussed at the December meeting include: ATS block data, award offsets in arbitration, qualification and registration, and shortening the settlement cycle.December 15, 2015
- Items discussed at the September meeting include: Financial Exploitation of Seniors and Other Vulnerable Adults; FOCUS Report Supplementary Schedule for Derivatives and Other Off-Balance Sheet Items; OTC Bulletin Board; Securities Trader Qualification Exam Fee; Dispute Resolution Party Portal and Expungement of Customer Dispute Information.September 17, 2015
- Items discussed at the July 2015 meeting include: coordination with the MSRB, fixed income pricing disclosure, and National Adjudicatory Council changes.July 09, 2015
- Rulemaking topics discussed include: communications with the public, mark-up/mark-down rule application to US treasury securities, the municipal adviser exam fee, and the trading activity fee.April 16, 2015
- Rulemaking topics discussed include the following: BrokerCheck disclosure, discretionary accounts and transactions, regulatory element continuing education, sales of securities on military installations, and TRACE transaction reporting and historic data sets.February 12, 2015
- Rulemaking topics discussed include: TRACE - public dissemination of additional securitized products and reduced reporting timeframe; TRACE - indicator when report does not reflect a commission, mark-up/down, or other fee; arbitration hearing cancellation fees; and qualification exam fees.December 04, 2014
- Rulemaking topics discussed include: equity trading initiatives, ATS order book information, expansion of ATS transparency, trade sequencing, clock synchronization, oats non-member reporting, supervision of algorithmic trading strategies, registration of associated persons involved in the preparation of algorithmic strategies, fixed income quotation information, fixed income pricing disclosure, identification of transactions with affiliated entities in TRACE, gross income assessment methodology, recruitment practices, and securities trader and securities trader principal registration categories.September 19, 2014
- FINRA Chairman and CEO Rick Ketchum is joined by lead governor Jack Brennan to discuss rulemaking and other issues discussed at FINRA's April 24 Board of Governors meeting.July 10, 2014
- Rulemaking topics discussed include: background investigations; customer account statements; panelist pool expansion for disciplinary hearings; and public repository of FINRA Form 211 information.April 24, 2014
- Rulemaking topics discussed include: BrokerCheck link in online retail communications with the public; definitions of public and non-public arbitrators; expungement of customer dispute information; and temporary cease and desist orders, expedited proceedings.February 13, 2014
- FINRA Chairman and CEO Rick Ketchum is joined by lead governor Jack Brennan and Finance Committee Chair Jim Weddle to discuss rulemaking and other issues addressed at FINRA's December 5 Board of Governors meeting. In addition to the video, a summary of the board actions is also available.December 06, 2013
- FINRA Chairman and CEO Rick Ketchum is joined by lead governor Jack Brennan to discuss rulemaking and other issues discussed at FINRA's September 19 Board of Governors meeting.September 19, 2013
- FINRA Chairman and CEO Rick Ketchum is joined by lead governor Jack Brennan to discuss rulemaking actions and other issues discussed at FINRA’s July 11 Board of Governors meeting. In addition to the video, a summary of the board actions is also available.July 11, 2013
- Rulemaking topics discussed include: Dissemination of TRACE-Eligible Rule 144A Transactions, ADF Market Participant Requirements, Arbitration Panel Composition, Discovery Guide Used in Investor Arbitration Proceedings, and Customer Account Statements.April 18, 2013
- Rulemaking topics discussed include: corporate financing, margin requirements for security-based equity swaps, membership rules, and private placement filings.February 14, 2013
- Rulemaking topics discussed include: conflicts of interest relating to recruitment compensation practices, equity trade reporting requirements, expungement for unnamed persons in arbitration claims, FOCUS report supplementary schedule, Interim Form for Funding Portals Under the JOBS Act, and wash sales.December 07, 2012
- Rulemaking topics discussed include: investor use of BrokerCheck information and research rules.September 14, 2012
- Rulemaking topics discussed include: application of proposed markup rules to government securities, classification of mediators under dispute resolution by-laws, debt research conflicts of interest, minor rule violation plan, records to be kept at specially designated locations, release of disciplinary complaints, decisions and other information, reporting requirements, and TRACE factor reporting.July 13, 2012
- Rulemaking topics discussed include: FOCUS report supplementary schedule, markups, commissions and fees, OATS reporting of certain market-making and customer facilitation orders, OCC cleared OTC options and related amendments, "public" arbitrator definition, pricing proposals, and stop orders.April 23, 2012
- Rulemaking topics discussed include: agency pass-through mortgage-backed securities and securities backed by Small Business Administration transactions, deferred compensation arrangements and filing exemption for ETF offerings, margin requirements for credit default swaps, and spinning.February 17, 2012
- Rulemaking topics discussed include: debt research conflicts of interest, expungement for persons not named as parties in arbitration claims, fee adjustment proposals, mediator selection, optional TRACE data delivery services and related fees, subpoenas and orders of production in arbitrations, and threshold for simplified arbitration.December 09, 2011
- Rulemaking topics discussed include: arbitration procedures: whistleblower claims, publicly disseminate transactions in agency pass-through mortgage-backed securities traded "to be announced" (TBA), maintenance of certain records in a central location, and membership application forms.September 23, 2011
- Rulemaking topics discussed include: arbitration claims involving fair labor standards act, DPP/REIT account values, identifying information barriers in OATS, and representing customer interest.July 15, 2011
- Rulemaking topics discussed include: code of procedure, governmental accounting standards board support fee, mid-case arbitration referrals, MPIDs for market access arrangements, private placement of securities, qualification examination and continuing education fees, and trading activity fee rate adjustment.April 18, 2011
- Rulemaking topics discussed include: a study on enhancing investment adviser examinations, a study on investment advisers and broker-dealers, a concept proposal on client disclosure, third-party service providers.February 04, 2011
- Rulemaking topics discussed include: private placements, debt research conflicts of interest, short interest reporting, minimum quotation sizes, consolidated FINRA registration rules, and replies to responses to motions in arbitration.December 09, 2010
- Rulemaking items discussed at the September 2010 meeting include: arbitration, disclosure, statutory disqualifications, executive compensation, and regulatory proposal notification.September 28, 2010