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Data Catalog
Mortgage-Backed Security (MBS) Trade Activity
This data provides comprehensive information on mortgage-backed securities (MBSs) that traded within the past 10 years. Access up to three years real-time trade history and seven years end-of-day trade history per security. Trade history represents mortgage securities with similar characteristics, i.e., reference data ID (RDID). An MBS provides issuers with monthly payments from a pool of mortgages and passes on a proportionate share of the collected principal and interest to bondholders.
MSRB Report Cards
Created for firms, these reports and report cards display statistics related to firms' compliance with Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board rules and other requirements related to municipal securities and the MSRB's Electronic Municipal Market Access website.
Mutual Fund Sceener
Search for Mutual Funds using a variety of screening criteria and view detailed information on individual funds.
National Financial Capability Study
The FINRA Investor Education Foundation commissions the study of the financial capability of American adults. Financial capability encompasses multiple aspects of behavior relating to how individuals manage their resources and how they make financial decisions (including the factors they consider and the skill sets they use). It is a multi-dimensional concept that requires looking at individual behavior from various angles. Available for download are reports, results tables, questionnaires, methodology and datasets for the 2018, 2015, 2012 and 2009 National Financial Capability Study.
Online Learning Report Cards
The CE Regulatory Element Report is published each quarter for any firm that has had at least one representative take a Regulatory Element CE session during the quarter. The report provides information about the firm's performance as well as industry performance during the quarter for comparison.
Options Reports
Large Options Positions Report (LOPR) – Listed and Large Options Positions Report (LOPR) – Over-the-Counter reports for firms.
OTC Equities
FINRA publishes data for over-the-counter (OTC) equities, which are securities reported to a FINRA equity trade reporting system, as opposed to on a centralized exchange. An OTC equity issue is generally considered to be any equity issue that is not a national market system (NMS) stock traded on a national issues exchange. Published data includes symbol changes, equity short interest, market statistics, thresholds and trading halts.
OTC Equities Daily List
The Daily List is a list of new issues, deleted issues, symbol and name changes, and other corporate actions for over-the-counter (OTC) equity securities, as well as historical OTC Bulletin Board (OTCBB) securities. OTCBB was a FINRA interdealer quotation system that was retired in 11/2021.
OTC Equities Trading Halts
This data page provides current and historical trading halts in over-the-counter (OTC) equity securities.
OTC Equity Market Statistics
FINRA publishes market statistics for over-the-counter (OTC) equities, which are securities reported by members to FINRA's OTC Reporting Facility (ORF), as opposed to on a centralized exchange.