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Data Catalog
FINRA Foundation
The Foundation serves as a repository for data describing the financial capability of American households. It interprets this data and enables research to help decision-makers and practitioners advance financial well-being in communities nationwide.
FINRA Gateway
FINRA Gateway is a portal for firms to access and submit data as needed for compliance functions, such as research, reporting and responding to requests.
Fixed Income Distributions
The fixed income distributions file is a cumulative list of distributions that have been announced per calendar year going back to 1/1/2017. Distributions include cash, stock and in kind distributions as a result of a bankruptcy reorganization plan, default interest payments, or other distributions in fixed income securities.
Fund Analyzer
Originally introduced in 2005, the FINRA Fund Analyzer helps investors and financial professionals understand the impact of fees and potentially available discounts on mutual funds, exchange-traded funds, exchange-traded notes and money market funds. The Fund Analyzer allows individuals to sort through and compare more than 30,000 products available to investors today and calculates how a fund's fees, expenses and discounts impact the value of a fund over time.
General Annual Statistics
Statistics representing the work FINRA does as a regulator and an overview of the securities industry based on data we capture. Includes statistics on regulatory actions and corporate financing, registered representatives, and member firms.
Industry Snapshot
The FINRA Industry Snapshot provides a high-level overview of the industry, including revenues of firms and how firms market their products and services. All of the data are reported in aggregate to respect the confidentiality of regulatory information.
Margin Statistics
Pursuant to FINRA Rule 4521, FINRA member firms carrying margin accounts for customers are required to submit, on a settlement date basis, as of the last business day of the month, the total of all debit balances in securities margin accounts; and the total of all free credit balances in all cash accounts and all securities margin accounts. FINRA collects the required data via FINRA’s Customer Margin Balance Form. The data is compiled in aggregate form and made available below. See Regulatory Notice 10-08 (Customer Margin Accounts) for more information.
Market Aggregate Bond Data for Media
Media outlets wishing to receive and redistribute the bond market aggregate statistics are required to execute an agreement with FINRA, after which access will be provided via a secure API connection. There are no fees associated with these data sets.
Monthly Disciplinary Actions
Summary of disciplinary actions against firms and individuals for violations of FINRA rules; federal securities laws, rules, and regulations; and the rules of the Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board. Browsable by year and month going back to 1996.
Mortgage-Backed Securities (MBS)
This data provides comprehensive information on mortgage-backed securities (MBSs) that traded within the past 10 years. Access up to three years real-time trade history and seven years end-of-day trade history per security. Trade history represents mortgage securities with similar characteristics, i.e., reference data ID (RDID). An MBS provides issuers with monthly payments from a pool of mortgages and passes on a proportionate share of the collected principal and interest to bondholders.