9346. Evidence in National Adjudicatory Council Proceedings
(a) Scope of Review
Except as otherwise set forth in this paragraph, the National Adjudicatory Council's review shall be limited to consideration of:
the record, as defined in Rule 9267, supplemented by briefs and other papers submitted to the Subcommittee or, if applicable, the Extended Proceeding Committee, and the National Adjudicatory Council; and
any oral argument permitted under this Code.
A Party may introduce additional evidence only with prior approval of the Subcommittee or, if applicable, the Extended Proceeding Committee, or the National Adjudicatory Council, upon a showing that extraordinary circumstances exist under paragraph (b). If an appealing Party shows good cause for failure to participate in the disciplinary proceeding below, the National Adjudicatory Council may hear evidence and consider the disciplinary proceeding pursuant to Rule 9344(a).
(b) Leave to Introduce Additional Evidence
A Party may apply to the Subcommittee or, if applicable, the Extended Proceeding Committee, or the National Adjudicatory Council for leave to introduce additional evidence by motion filed not later than 30 days after the Office of Hearing Officers transmits to the National Adjudicatory Council and serves upon all Parties the index to the record, pursuant to Rule 9321. The motion shall describe each item of proposed new evidence, demonstrate that there was good cause for failing to introduce it below, demonstrate why the evidence is material to the proceeding, and be filed and served. The Party may attach the documentary evidence as an exhibit to the motion. By a motion filed in accordance with Rule 9146, a Party may request an extension of the period during which a Party may file a motion for leave to introduce additional evidence. A Party shall demonstrate that there was good cause for failing to file the motion for leave to introduce additional evidence during the period prescribed.
(c) Motion In Opposition; Motion to Introduce Rebuttal Evidence
A Party may file an opposition to a motion, as provided in Rule 9146(d), for leave to introduce new evidence, and may move for leave to introduce rebuttal evidence in response to the proposed new evidence. A Party who moves to introduce rebuttal evidence in response to the proposed new evidence of another Party shall describe each item of proposed rebuttal evidence and explain why the evidence is material to the proceeding, and shall file and serve such motion.
(d) Discretion Regarding Review of Additional Evidence
Upon consideration of any motion to introduce additional evidence and any opposition thereto, the Subcommittee or, if applicable, the Extended Proceeding Committee, or the National Adjudicatory Council may permit the evidence to be introduced into the record on review, or the National Adjudicatory Council may remand the disciplinary proceeding for further proceedings consistent with its ruling or for further fact finding.
(e) Requirements for Submitting Additional Documentary Evidence
A Party that is permitted to introduce additional documentary evidence before the Subcommittee or, if applicable, the Extended Proceeding Committee, or the National Adjudicatory Council pursuant to paragraph (d) shall make copies of the evidence available to the Subcommittee or, if applicable, the Extended Proceeding Committee, or the National Adjudicatory Council, and to all Parties at such time as the Subcommittee or, if applicable, the Extended Proceeding Committee, the National Adjudicatory Council, or Counsel to the National Adjudicatory Council may specify.
(f) Subcommittee or Extended Proceeding Committee Order Requiring Additional Evidence
On its own motion, the Subcommittee or, if applicable, the Extended Proceeding Committee, or the National Adjudicatory Council may order that the record be supplemented with such additional evidence as it may deem relevant. Among other things, the Subcommittee, or if applicable, the Extended Proceeding Committee, or the National Adjudicatory Council may order a Respondent who asserts his or her inability to pay a monetary sanction to file a sworn financial statement and to keep such statement current as ordered by the Subcommittee or, if applicable, the Extended Proceeding Committee, or the National Adjudicatory Council.
(g) Rules of Evidence Not Applicable
The formal rules of evidence shall not apply.
(h) Testimony
A person who is subject to the jurisdiction of FINRA shall testify under oath or affirmation. The oath or affirmation shall be administered by a court reporter or a notary public.
Amended by SR-FINRA-2008-021 eff. Dec. 15, 2008. Amended by SR-NASD-98-57 eff. March 26, 1999. Amended by SR-NASD-97-81 eff. Jan. 16, 1998. Adopted by SR-NASD-97-28 eff. Aug. 7, 1997. Selected Notices: 99-16, 08-57. |