9222. Extensions of Time, Postponements, and Adjournments
(a) Availability
At any time prior to the issuance of the decision of the Hearing Panel or, if applicable, the Extended Hearing Panel, the Hearing Officer may, for good cause shown, extend or shorten any time limits prescribed by the Code for the filing of any papers and may, consistent with paragraph (b), postpone or adjourn any hearing.
(b) Limitations on Postponements, Adjournments, and Extensions
A hearing shall begin at the time and place ordered, unless the Hearing Officer, for good cause shown, changes the place of the hearing, postpones the commencement of the hearing, or adjourns a convened hearing for a reasonable period of time, subject to the limitations in paragraph (b)(2).
(1) Additional Considerations
In considering a motion for the postponement of the start of a hearing or, adjournment once a hearing has begun, the Hearing Officer shall consider:
(A) the length of the proceeding to date;
(B) the number of postponements, adjournments, or extensions already granted;
(C) the stage of the proceedings at the time of the request;
(D) potential harm to the investing public if an extension of time, adjournment, or postponement is granted; and
(E) such other matters as justice may require.
(2) Time Limit
Postponements, adjournments, or extensions of time for filing papers shall not exceed 28 days unless the Hearing Officer states on the record or provides by written order the reasons a longer period is necessary.
Amended by SR-FINRA-2008-021 eff. Dec. 15, 2008. Amended by SR-NASD-97-28 eff. Aug. 7, 1997. Amended eff. Oct. 18, 1990. Selected Notice: 08-57. |