6279. Alternative Trading Systems
(a) FINRA may provide a means to permit alternative trading systems ("ATSs"), as such term is defined in Regulation ATS, and electronic communications networks ("ECNs"), as such term is defined in Rule 600(b)(23) of SEC Regulation NMS, to comply with the display requirements of Rule 301(b)(3) of SEC Regulation ATS and the terms of the ECN display alternative provided for in Rule 602(b)(5)(ii)(A) and (B) of SEC Regulation NMS ("ECN display alternatives"). FINRA will not facilitate compliance with access requirements, which are the responsibility of ADF Trading Centers under Rule 6250.
(b) An ATS or ECN that seeks to use FINRA-provided means to comply with Rule 301(b)(3) of SEC Regulation ATS and/or the ECN display alternatives, or to provide orders to the ADF voluntarily shall:
(1) demonstrate to FINRA that it is in compliance with Regulation ATS or that it qualifies as an ECN meeting the definition in the SEC Regulation NMS;
(2) be registered as a FINRA member;
(3) agree to provide for FINRA's dissemination in the quotation data made available to quotation vendors the prices and sizes of FINRA Registered Market Maker orders (and orders from other subscribers of the ATS or ECN, if the ATS or ECN so chooses or is required by Rule 301(b)(3) of SEC Regulation ATS to display a subscriber's order in the ADF), at the highest buy price and the lowest sell price for each ADF-eligible security entered in and disseminated by the ATS or ECN; and prior to entering such prices and sizes, register with FINRA Market Operations as a Registered Reporting ADF ECN; and
(4) comply with Rule 6250.
(c) When a FINRA member attempts to access electronically an ATS or ECN-displayed order by sending an order that is larger than the ATS' or ECN's ADF-displayed size and the ATS or ECN is displaying the order on a reserved size basis, the FINRA member that operates the ATS or ECN shall execute such delivered order:
(1) up to the size of the delivered order, if the ATS or ECN order (including the reserved size and displayed portions) is the same size or larger than the delivered order; or
(2) up to the size of the ATS or ECN order (including the reserved size and displayed portions), if the delivered order is the same size or larger than the ATS or ECN order (including the reserved size and displayed portions).
No Registered Reporting ADF ECN operating through the ADF pursuant to this Rule is permitted to provide a reserved-size function unless the size of the order displayed through the ADF is 100 shares or greater. For purposes of this Rule, the term "reserved size" shall mean that a customer entering an order into an ATS or ECN has authorized the ATS or ECN to display publicly part of the full size of the customer's order with the remainder held in reserve on an undisplayed basis to be displayed in whole or in part as the displayed part is executed.
Amended by SR-FINRA-2013-053 eff. Feb. 3, 2014. Amended by SR-FINRA-2008-021 eff. Dec. 15, 2008. Amended by SR-NASD-2006-091 eff. March 5, 2007. Amended by SR-NASD-2005-087 eff. Aug. 1, 2006. Adopted by SR-NASD-2002-97 eff. July 29, 2002. Selected Notice: 08-57. |