6250. Quote and Order Access Requirements
(a) For each security in which an ADF Trading Center displays a bid and offer (for Registered Reporting ADF Market Makers), or a bid or offer (for Registered Reporting ADF ECNs), in the ADF, it must:
(1) Provide other ADF Trading Centers direct electronic access, as defined below;
(2) Provide registered broker-dealers that are not ADF Trading Centers direct electronic access and allow for indirect electronic access, as defined below. In any event, an ADF Trading Center is prohibited from: (A) in any way directly or indirectly influencing or prescribing the prices that its customer broker-dealer may choose to impose for providing indirect access; and (B) precluding or discouraging indirect electronic access, including through the imposition of discriminatory pricing or quality of service with regard to a broker-dealer that is providing indirect electronic access;
(3) Provide a level and cost of access to its quotations in an NMS stock displayed in the ADF that is substantially equivalent to the level and cost of access to quotations displayed by SRO trading facilities in that NMS stock;
(4) Demonstrate that it has sufficient technology to automatically update its quotations and immediately respond to orders for execution directly against the individual ADF Trading Center's best bid or offer;
(5) Ensure that it does not impose unfairly discriminatory terms that prevent or inhibit any person, through a registered broker-dealer, from obtaining efficient access to such quotations;
(6) Provide at least 14 calendar days advance written notice, via facsimile, personal delivery, courier or overnight mail, to FINRA Market Operations before denying any registered broker-dealer direct electronic access as defined below. The notice provided hereunder must be based on the good faith belief of an ADF Trading Center that such denial of access is appropriate and does not violate any of the ADF Trading Center's obligations under FINRA rules or the federal securities laws. Further, any notification or publication of an ADF Trading Center's intent to deny access will have no bearing on the merits of any claim between the ADF Trading Center and any affected registered broker-dealer, nor will it insulate the ADF Trading Center from liability for violations of FINRA rules or the federal securities laws, such as Rule 602 of SEC Regulation NMS. The 14-day period begins on the first business day that FINRA Market Operations has receipt of the notice; and
(7) Comply with the minimum performance standards set forth in paragraph (e) of this Rule and the terms agreed to in the Certification Record.
(b) Subject to the terms and conditions contained herein, all ADF Trading Centers that display quotations in the ADF must record each item of information described in paragraphs (b)(1) and (2) of this Rule for all orders they receive from another broker-dealer via direct or indirect electronic access only if such order results in an execution, a cancellation, a correction or a rejection by the ADF Trading Center. All ADF Trading Centers must report this information to FINRA as specified below.
(1) ADF Trading Centers must record the following information for every order they receive from another broker-dealer via direct or indirect electronic access:
(A) Unique Order Identifier
(B) Order Entry Firm
(C) Order Side
(D) Order Quantity
(E) Symbol
(F) Order Price
(G) Time In Force (i.e. regular hours, entire day, other)
(H) Order Date
(I) Order Time (expressed in hours, minutes, seconds and milliseconds if the ADF Trading Center's system captures time in milliseconds based on Eastern Time in military format)
(J) Minimal Acceptable Quantity (i.e., all or none (AON), volume)
(K) ADF Trading Center
(L) Any other information as specified by FINRA or the SEC (e.g., Customer Order Handling Instructions)
The information described in subparagraphs (A) through (L) must be reported to FINRA by no later than 6:30 p.m. Eastern Time on the day of receipt of the order; provided, however, that an ADF Trading Center must report any information described in subparagraphs (A) through (L) to FINRA immediately upon request.
(2) In addition to the information previously provided pursuant to paragraph (b)(1), ADF Trading Centers must record the following information, as applicable, for every order received via direct or indirect access from another broker-dealer that has been acted upon or responded to:
(A) Unique Order Identifier (as provided in paragraph (b)(1)(A))
(B) Order Response (e.g., Execute, Cancel, Correct, Reject)
(C) Order Response Time (expressed in hours, minutes, seconds and milliseconds if the ADF Trading Center's system captures time in milliseconds based on Eastern Time in military format)
(D) Quantity
(E) Price
The information described in subparagraphs (A) through (E) must be reported to FINRA by no later than 6:30 p.m. Eastern Time on the day of any response to or action taken regarding an order; provided, however, that an ADF Trading Center must report any information described in subparagraphs (A) through (E) to FINRA immediately upon request.
(3) Maintaining and Preserving Records
(A) In addition to submitting the information described herein to FINRA, each member shall maintain and preserve records of the information required to be recorded under this Rule for the period of time and accessibility specified in SEA Rule 17a-4(b).
(B) The records required to be maintained and preserved under this Rule may be immediately produced or reproduced on "micrographic media" as defined in SEA Rule 17a-4(f)(1)(i) or by means of "electronic storage media" as defined in SEA Rule 17a-4(f)(1)(ii) that meet the conditions set forth in SEA Rule 17a-4(f) and may be maintained and preserved for the required time in that form.
(4) Orders Not Required To Be Recorded
Any order that results in being fully posted to the ADF Trading Center.
The recording and reporting requirements contained in paragraphs (a) and (b) of this Rule shall not apply to orders received via any system operated by a national securities exchange or national securities association such that the association or exchange operating the system has access to and regulates that order activity.
(5) Method of Transmitting Data
Members shall transmit this information in such form as prescribed by FINRA.
(6) Reporting Agent Agreements
(A) "Reporting Agent" shall mean a third party that enters into any agreement with a member pursuant to which such third party agrees to fulfill such member's obligations under this Rule.
(B) Any member may enter into an agreement with a Reporting Agent pursuant to which the Reporting Agent agrees to fulfill the obligations of such member under this Rule. Any such agreement shall be evidenced in writing, which shall specify the respective functions and responsibilities of each party to the agreement that are required to effect full compliance with the requirements of this Rule.
(C) All written documents evidencing an agreement described in subparagraph (6)(B) shall be maintained by each party to the agreement.
(D) Each member remains responsible for compliance with the requirements of this Rule, notwithstanding the existence of an agreement described in this paragraph.
(7) Withdrawal of Quotations
If an ADF Trading Center knows or has reason to believe that it or its Reporting Agent is not complying with the requirements of this Rule, the ADF Trading Center must withdraw its quotations from the ADF until such time that the member is satisfied that it is in compliance with the requirements of this Rule.
(c) For each bid or offer displayed by an ADF Trading Center on the ADF, the ADF Trading Center must record and report to FINRA the following information in such form as prescribed by FINRA.
(1) All ADF Trading Centers must record and report the following information for each order that is part of a displayed bid or offer, including:
(A) Symbol;
(B) Side;
(C) Price;
(D) Quantity (including displayed quantity);
(E) Order date and time of receipt;
(F) Order instructions (including order type);
(G) Internal order identifiers;
(H) Firm identifiers (including broker order identifier) and capacity information;
(I) Quote identifier;
(J) Quote price;
(K) Quote time;
(L) Short sale exemption reason, as applicable; and
(M) Clearing member.
(2) All ADF Trading Centers must also record and report the execution details, if any, of each order that is part of a displayed bid or offer, including:
(A) Date and time of receipt;
(B) Side;
(C) Price;
(D) Quantity (including executed quantity);
(E) Execution price;
(F) Order instructions (including order type);
(G) Internal order identifiers;
(H) Firm identifiers (including broker order identifier);
(I) Execution identifier;
(J) Quote price;
(K) Quote identifier; and
(L) Quote time.
The information described in paragraphs (1) and (2) shall be reported to FINRA in "next day" file submission, with such information reported to FINRA no later than 8:00 a.m. Eastern Time on the day following receipt of the order; provided, however, that an ADF Trading Center must report any information described in paragraphs (1) and (2) to FINRA immediately upon request. Any information related to time must be reported in the finest increment (e.g., milliseconds) that is captured in the ADF Trading Center's system.
(d) ADF Trading Centers are required to specify as part of their Certification Record the method and terms by which they will comply with the requirements of this Rule. FINRA will not allow an ADF Trading Center to display quotations in the ADF unless the method and terms provided by the ADF Trading Center are in compliance with this Rule and applicable provisions of SEC Regulation NMS. Acceptance by FINRA of an ADF Trading Center's Certification Record does not relieve an ADF Trading Center of any of its on-going obligations. Moreover, FINRA's acceptance of such Certification Record, shall not constitute an estoppel as to FINRA or bind FINRA in any subsequent administrative, civil or disciplinary proceeding.
(e) Definitions
(1) "Direct electronic access" means the ability to deliver an order for execution directly against an individual ADF Trading Center's best bid or offer subject to applicable FINRA rules and the federal securities laws, including SEC Regulation NMS. As described herein, ADF Trading Centers must provide direct electronic access, in conformity with this Rule, through the use of a communications service(s) that is deemed to be sufficient by FINRA.
(2) "Indirect electronic access" means the ability to route an order through a FINRA member, subscriber broker-dealer, or customer broker-dealer of an ADF Trading Center that are not an affiliate of the ADF Trading Center, for execution against the ADF Trading Center's best bid or offer subject to applicable FINRA rules and the federal securities laws, including SEC Regulation NMS. An ADF Trading Center shall not impose unfairly discriminatory terms that prevent or inhibit any person from obtaining efficient access to such quotation through a FINRA member, subscriber broker-dealer, or customer broker-dealer. A FINRA member that is providing indirect electronic access shall remain responsible for orders routed through it as though the orders were the firm's own orders.
(f) Minimum Performance Standards
(1) ADF Trading Centers must submit "Automated Quotations", as defined in Rule 600(b)(3) of SEC Regulation NMS to the ADF for posting. "Manual Quotations," as defined in Rule 600(b)(37) of SEC Regulation NMS, shall not be submitted to the ADF. As a precondition to becoming an ADF Trading Center, an ADF Trading Center must, among other things, certify to FINRA their compliance with this paragraph based on reasonable forecasts of peak volume activity and the establishment of policies and procedures to ensure only "Automated Quotations," as defined in Rule 600(b)(3) of SEC Regulation NMS, are submitted to the ADF.
(2) In the event that an ADF Trading Center experiences three (3) unexcused system outages during a period of five (5) business days, the ADF Trading Center may be suspended from quoting in the ADF in all or certain issues for a period of twenty (20) business days. With respect to an ADF Trading Center, a "system outage" shall mean an inability to post "Automated Quotations," as defined by Rule 600(b)(3) of SEC Regulation NMS, in the ADF or an inability to immediately and automatically respond to orders.
(3) Officers of FINRA or FINRA Regulation designated by the Chief Executive Officer of FINRA shall, pursuant to the procedures set forth in paragraph (g) below, have the authority to review any system outage to determine whether the system outage should be excused. An officer may deem a system outage excused upon proof by the ADF Trading Center that the system outage resulted from circumstances not within the control of the ADF Trading Center. The burden shall rest with the ADF Trading Center to demonstrate that a system outage should be excused.
(4) An ADF Trading Center may contact FINRA Product Management and request that a system outage be deemed excused, whether or not the system outage resulted from circumstances within the control of the ADF Trading Center; however, if FINRA Product Management becomes aware of the system outage prior to the ADF Trading Center's request for an excused system outage, FINRA Product Management may, at its own discretion, deem the system outage to be unexcused, based on the specific facts and circumstances surrounding the outage.
(g) Procedures for Reviewing System Outages
(1) Any ADF Trading Center that seeks to have a system outage reviewed pursuant to paragraph (f)(3) hereof, shall submit a written request, via facsimile, e-mail, personal delivery, courier or overnight mail to FINRA Product Management by close of the business day on which the system outage occurs, or the following business day if the system outage occurs outside of normal market hours.
(2) An ADF Trading Center that seeks review of a system outage shall supply any supporting information for a determination under paragraph (f)(3) to FINRA staff by the close of business on the day following the system outage.
(3) An ADF Trading Center that seeks review of a system outage shall supply FINRA staff with any information requested to make a determination pursuant to paragraph (f)(3).
(4) An officer shall, in accordance with paragraph (f)(3), make a determination whether a system outage is excused by the close of business on the day following the receipt of information supplied pursuant to paragraphs (g)(2) and (g)(3).
(5) An ADF Trading Center may appeal a determination made under paragraph (f)(3) to a three-member subcommittee comprised of current or former industry members of FINRA's Market Regulation Committee in writing, via facsimile or otherwise, by the close of business on the day a determination is rendered pursuant to paragraph (f)(3). An appeal to the subcommittee shall operate as a stay of the determination made pursuant to paragraph (f)(3). Once a written appeal has been received, the ADF Trading Center may submit any additional supporting written documentation, via facsimile or otherwise, up until the time the appeal is considered by the subcommittee. The subcommittee shall render a determination by the close of business following the day a notice of appeal is received. The subcommittee's determination shall be final and binding.
(h) Inactive Quoting
In order to maintain ADF certification, Registered Reporting ADF ECNs must post at least one marketable quote/order through the ADF on each side of the market every 30 calendar days. A quote/order that is posted through the ADF will be presumptively a marketable quote/order if such quote/order is accessed (i.e., traded against) by another trading center or market participant (other than a subscriber of the Registered Reporting ADF ECN). A Registered Reporting ADF ECN that fails to post at least one marketable quote/order through the ADF on each side of the market every 30 calendar days, shall lose its ADF certification at the sole discretion of FINRA staff. Registered Reporting ADF ECNs seeking to regain ADF certification shall be required to recertify pursuant to this Rule 6250.
Amended by SR-FINRA-2015-050 eff. Dec. 24, 2015. Amended by SR-FINRA-2015-034 eff. Dec. 20, 2015. Amended by SR-FINRA-2013-053 eff. Feb. 3, 2014. Amended by SR-FINRA-2009-085 eff. Jan. 4, 2010. Amended by SR-FINRA-2008-021 eff. Dec. 15, 2008. Amended by SR-NASD-2007-001 eff. March 5, 2007. Amended by SR-NASD-2006-091 eff. March 5, 2007. Amended by SR-NASD-2005-087 eff. Aug. 1, 2006. Amended by SR-NASD-2004-02 eff. Oct. 20, 2004. Amended by SR-NASD-2003-145 eff. Jan. 6, 2004. Adopted by SR-NASD-2002-97 eff. July 29, 2002. Selected Notices: 04-68, 08-57, 16-04. |
- Regulatory Notice 13-32October 09, 2013