5190. Notification Requirements for Offering Participants
(a) General
This Rule 5190 sets forth the notice requirements applicable to all members participating in offerings of securities for purposes of monitoring compliance with the provisions of SEC Regulation M. In addition to the requirements under this Rule 5190, members also must comply with all applicable rules governing the withdrawal of quotations in accordance with SEC Regulation M.
(b) Definitions
For purposes of this Rule, the following terms shall have the meanings as set forth in Rules 100 and 101 of SEC Regulation M: “actively traded,” “affiliated purchaser,” “covered security,” “distribution,” “distribution participant,” “offering price,” “penalty bid,” “restricted period,” “selling security holder,” and “syndicate covering transaction.”
(c) Notice Relating to Distributions of Securities Subject to a Restricted Period Under SEC Regulation M
(1) A member acting as a manager (or in a similar capacity) of a distribution of any security that is a covered security subject to a restricted period under Rule 101 of SEC Regulation M shall provide written notice to FINRA, in such form as specified by FINRA, of the following:
(A) the member's determination as to whether a one-day or five-day restricted period applies under Rule 101 of SEC Regulation M and the basis for such determination, including the contemplated date and time of the commencement of the restricted period, the security name and symbol, and identification of the distribution participants and affiliated purchasers, no later than the business day prior to the first complete trading session of the applicable restricted period, unless later notification is necessary under specific circumstances;
(B) the pricing of the distribution, including the security name and symbol, the type of security, the number of shares offered, the offering price, the last sale before the distribution, the pricing basis, the SEC effective date and time, the trade date, the restricted period, and identification of the distribution participants and affiliated purchasers, no later than the close of business the next business day following the pricing of the distribution, unless later notification is necessary under specific circumstances; and
(C) the cancellation or postponement of any distribution for which prior notification of commencement of the restricted period has been submitted under paragraph (c)(1)(A) above, immediately upon the cancellation or postponement of such distribution.
If no member is acting as a manager (or in a similar capacity) of such distribution, then each member that is a distribution participant or affiliated purchaser shall provide the notice required under this paragraph (c)(1), unless another member has assumed responsibility in writing for compliance therewith.
(2) Any member that is an issuer or selling security holder in a distribution of any security that is a covered security subject to a restricted period under Rule 102 of SEC Regulation M shall comply with the notice requirements of paragraph (c)(1), unless another member has assumed responsibility in writing for compliance therewith.
(d) Notice Relating to Distributions of “Actively Traded” Securities Under SEC Regulation M
A member acting as a manager (or in a similar capacity) of a distribution of any security that is considered an “actively traded” security under Rule 101 of SEC Regulation M shall provide written notice to FINRA, in such form as specified by FINRA, of the following:
(1) the member's determination that no restricted period applies under Rule 101 of SEC Regulation M and the basis for such determination; and
(2) the pricing of the distribution, including the security name and symbol, the type of security, the number of shares offered, the offering price, the last sale before the distribution, the pricing basis, the SEC effective date and time, the trade date, and identification of the distribution participants and affiliated purchasers.
Such notice shall be provided no later than the close of business the next business day following the pricing of the distribution, unless later notification is necessary under specific circumstances.
If no member is acting as a manager (or in a similar capacity) of such distribution, then each member that is a distribution participant or an affiliated purchaser shall provide the notice required under this paragraph (d), unless another member has assumed responsibility in writing for compliance therewith.
(e) Notice of Penalty Bids and Syndicate Covering Transactions in OTC Equity Securities
A member imposing a penalty bid or engaging in a syndicate covering transaction in connection with an offering of an OTC Equity Security, as defined in Rule 6420, pursuant to Rule 104 of SEC Regulation M shall, unless another member has assumed responsibility in writing for compliance with this paragraph (e), provide written notice to FINRA, in such form as specified by FINRA, of the following:
(1) the member's intention to conduct such activity, prior to imposing the penalty bid or engaging in the first syndicate covering transaction, including identification of the security and its symbol and the date such activity will occur; and
(2) confirmation that the member has imposed a penalty bid or engaged in a syndicate covering transaction, within one business day of completion of such activity, including identification of the security and its symbol, the total number of shares and the date(s) of such activity.
Amended by SR-FINRA-2010-037 eff. Sept. 22, 2010. Amended by SR-FINRA-2008-057 eff. Dec. 15, 2008. Adopted by SR-FINRA-2008-039 eff. Dec. 15, 2008. Selected Notice: 08-74. |
- Regulatory Notice 13-32October 09, 2013
- Regulatory Notice 12-19April 11, 2012
- Regulatory Notice 11-40August 29, 2011
- Regulatory Notice 08-74December 08, 2008
- Regulatory Notice 08-57October 16, 2008