14102. National Arbitration and Mediation Committee
(a) Pursuant to Section II of the Plan of Allocation and Delegation of Functions by FINRA to FINRA Regulation, Inc. ("Delegation Plan"), the Board shall appoint a National Arbitration and Mediation Committee ("NAMC").
(1) The NAMC shall consist of no fewer than ten and no more than 25 members. At least 50 percent of the NAMC shall be Non-Industry members.
(2) The Chairperson of the Board shall name the Chairperson of the NAMC.
(b) Pursuant to the Delegation Plan, the NAMC shall have the authority to recommend rules, regulations, procedures and amendments relating to arbitration, mediation, and other dispute resolution matters to the Board. All matters recommended by the NAMC to the Board must have been approved by a quorum, which shall consist of a majority of the NAMC, including at least 50 percent of the Non-Industry committee members. If at least 50 percent of the Non-Industry committee members are either (i) present at or (ii) have filed a waiver of attendance for a meeting after receiving an agenda prior to such meeting, the requirement that at least 50 percent of the Non-Industry committee members be present to constitute the quorum shall be waived. The NAMC has such other power and authority as is necessary to carry out the purposes of this Code.
(c) The NAMC may meet as frequently as necessary, but must meet at least once a year.
Amended by SR-FINRA-2015-034 eff. Dec. 20, 2015. Amended by SR-FINRA-2008-021 eff. Dec. 15, 2008. Amended by SR-NASD-2007-026 eff. April 16, 2007. Renumbered from Rule 10403 and amended by SR-NASD-2007-022 eff. April 16, 2007. Adopted by SR-NASD-2004-013 eff. Jan. 30, 2006. Selected Notices: 05-85, 08-57, 16-04. |