13503. Motions
(a) Motions
(1) A party may make motions in writing, or orally during any hearing session. Before making a motion, a party must make an effort to resolve the matter that is the subject of the motion with the other parties. Every motion, whether written or oral, must include a description of the efforts made by the moving party to resolve the matter before making the motion.
(2) Written motions are not required to be in any particular form, and may take the form of a letter, legal motion, or any other form that the panel decides is acceptable. Written motions must be served on each other party. Written motions must also be filed with the Director.
(3) Written motions must be served at least 20 days before a scheduled hearing, unless the panel decides otherwise.
(4) Motions to amend a pleading after panel appointment pursuant to Rule 13309(b) must be accompanied by copies of the proposed amended pleading when the motion is served on the other parties and filed with the Director. If the panel grants the motion, the amended pleading does not have to be served again, unless the panel determines otherwise. Motions to amend a pleading to add a party are made pursuant to Rule 13309(c).
(b) Responding to Motions
Parties have 10 days from the receipt of a written motion to respond to the motion, unless the moving party agrees to an extension of time, or the Director or the panel decides otherwise. Responses to written motions must be served on each other party. Responses to written motions must also be filed with the Director.
(c) Replying to Responses to Motions
Parties have 5 days from the receipt of a response to a motion to reply to the response unless the responding party agrees to an extension of time, or the Director or the panel decides otherwise. Replies to responses must be served on each other party. Replies to responses must also be filed with the Director.
(d) Authority to Decide Motions
(1) The Director decides motions relating to use of the forum under Rule 13203 and removal of an arbitrator under Rule 13410.
(2) Motions relating to combining or separating claims or arbitrations, or changing the hearing location, are decided by the Director before a panel is appointed, and by the panel after the panel is appointed.
(3) Discovery-related motions are decided by one arbitrator, generally the chairperson. The arbitrator may refer such motions to the full panel either at his or her own initiative, or at the request of a party. The arbitrator must refer motions relating to privilege to the full panel at the request of a party.
(4) Motions for arbitrator recusal under Rule 13409 are decided by the arbitrator who is the subject of the request.
(5) The full panel decides all other motions, including motions relating to the eligibility of a claim under Rule 13206, unless the Code provides or the parties agree otherwise.
Amended by SR-FINRA-2016-029 eff. April 3, 2017. Amended by SR-FINRA-2011-006 eff. June 6, 2011. Amended by SR-FINRA-2008-021 eff. Dec. 15, 2008. Adopted by SR-NASD-2004-011 eff. April 16, 2007. Selected Notices: 07-07, 08-57, 11-23, 17-03. |