12101. Applicability of Code and Incorporation by Reference
This rule is no longer applicable. NASD Rule 12101 has been superseded by FINRA Rule 12101. Please consult the appropriate FINRA Rule.
The Customer Code will apply to claims filed on or after April 16, 2007. In addition, the list selection provisions of the Customer Code will apply to previously filed claims in which a list of arbitrators must be generated after April 16, 2007; in these cases, however, the claim will continue to be governed by the remaining provisions of the old Code unless all parties agree to proceed under the new Code.
(a) Applicability of Code
The Code applies to any dispute between a customer and a member or associated person of a member that is submitted to arbitration under Rule 12200 or 12201.
(b) Incorporation by Reference
When a dispute is submitted to arbitration under the Code pursuant to an arbitration agreement, the Code is incorporated by reference into the agreement.
Adopted by SR-NASD-2003-158 eff. April 16, 2007. Selected Notices: 07-07 |